Saturday, December 28, 2019

Youth Among The Homeless Essay - 1118 Words

Homelessness is all around the world, and many people have either dealt with the issue or had first-hand experience with it. Thus causes everyone to think about the possible solutions to such an important social and economic problem. Whether or not anyone wants to support or ignore the issue, it will always be there. However, the youth population is on the rise among the homeless. While the exact number of youth among the homeless is hard to determine, given various information about homelessness available and the age range that is considered youth, a 2012 survey from the Department of Education shows that 52,950 unaccompanied homeless youth were reported through school-based programs (Sparks 31). Homelessness among youth can be†¦show more content†¦2). The center also indicated an increase in the numbers of youth who were kicked out of their homes during the past few years. Nearly nine out of the ten agencies reported assisting LGBT youth, and seven out of ten homeless LG BT youth indicated family rejection as a major contributing factor to their homelessness (Grant, et al 2). Severe economic hardship, such as unemployment, also led to the increase of youth homelessness. In a recent study of the economy, unemployment rate has increased due to an influx of potential workers and dwindling numbers of jobs available for the current populace. Hence, many unemployed are not able to pay their expenses and eventually were forced to be out on the streets. Among the unemployed demographics are families with children that are forced out of their homes, into shelters, streets or even their automobiles. Between 2005 and 2008, the recession caused youth homeless population to grow 200 percent (Sparks 32). Most youth that had called for assistance said that economic reasons was what caused most of them to be homeless. There are homeless assistance programs in place to help decrease the number of families from falling into this hardship, but there are still many tha t are either unable to receive assistance or are unaware of it. In a 2012 article in the Education Digest, Sarah D. Sparks reports that even though the Great Recession of 2008 economic and housingShow MoreRelatedThe Effects of Homelessness on the Overall Self-Esteem of Homeless Youth1476 Words   |  6 PagesYet, children, those under 18 years of age, are generally not associated with the homeless status as they are invisible, not seen by the general public with their homeless counterparts taking up residence in make-shift housing. Nonetheless, there is a large percent of youth who meet the guidelines for being deemed homeless. 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Issues surrounding the supply and affordability of housing, combinedRead MoreEssay on Effective Intervention for Homeless Youth958 Words   |  4 PagesAs previously discussed, homelessness among youth in the Houston / Harris County area is a growing population with far reaching consequences for this group. They can be identified as a cultural group as they identify with others who have shared experiences and co mmonalities. Some of the serious struggles, identified in part I, homeless youth face are the increased probability of becoming victimized on the streets, higher risk of being infected with a STD or HIV, becoming pregnant, entering theRead MoreThe Homeless Are Homeless : A Middle Class Lifestyle After Marriage1654 Words   |  7 Pagesmany people can end up homeless from children, to adults, and even veterans. According to Doran, fifteen percent of America’s homeless are chronically homeless, which means the person has been homeless continuously for a year or more or has had at least four episodes of homelessness in the past three years (Doran). The reason there are so many homeless people now in the country is because of a very punitive and moralistic societal value we have about people who are homeless and in desperate need.Read MoreThe Issue Of Transsexual Homelessness And Health1454 Words   |  6 Pagestowards transsexual individuals to the extent of rendering them homeless. The analysis in this paper is aligned to the issue of homeless among the transsexual persons by investigating the entire spectrum of the issue. In a general analysis the paper will highlight the extraordinary conditions that lead to transsexual individuals experiencing homelessness besides the same reasons that the other ‘normal’ individuals are rendered homeless- the inability to afford housing, addiction and mental health problems

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Migrant Workers and Xenophobia - 1425 Words

In addition, the continued increase of the migrant workers in Singapore might lead to xenophobia in the country. According to Khan, Rola and Ruxandra migrant workers continue to suffer economic prejudice because government employment policies operate in favor of â€Å"national workers† (1). In Singapore, migrant workers make up a larger percentage of the population thereby leading to competition over employment with the natives. As such, the possibility of xenophobia prevailing in Singapore is high. This is because competition between natives and foreigners over meager economic resources has always led to xenophobia in many other countries. For example, xenophobia has been a problem in South Africa because the residents accuse African immigrants from the horn of Africa for stealing â€Å"their jobs† (Slier, para. 3). The xenophobia problems come from unemployed South Africans. Nonetheless, most of the immigrants struggle to earn a living in the same way the natives do b ut the natives view them as competitors. For instance, most successful immigrant groups are Somalis. The reason for the success of the Somalis is their entrepreneurial skills as well as their strong intra-ethnic ties that resemble those of the Indians. Each slum has an isolated â€Å"Somali neighborhood† where most Somali refugees live and work (Abdi, para. 7). Nonetheless, most Somali refugees and immigrants face insecurity from the local vigilante groups and gangs because they view them as aliens. However, there has beenShow MoreRelatedHuman Rights In Canada886 Words   |  4 PagesFurthermore, some of these rights, like their labour and health, are commodified. Moreover, due to the limitations of the workers to search employment elsewhere, workers are typically stuck with their employer. The lack of the threat of employees leaving, in turn, leads to many incidents related to health and safety being unreported. Furthermore, emphasis on the work done by SAWP migrants being low-skilled work, they are in turn easily replaceable. If they get ill and cannot work long hours required forRead MoreWhy Did Australian Officials Feel The Keep Sell? Australia During The Dp Camps Of Post War Europe?1580 Words   |  7 Pagesto the Displaced Persons (DP) camps in Occupied Europe to ‘recruit’ possible migrants. However, there were various obstacles to increasing the population, including that Australia was not well known, and not attractive to DPs, as the distance was considera ble and hard to get to. Australian officials had to ‘sell’ Australia overseas to create a specific historical narrative about a new nation, to attract desired migrants, and improve the image of immigration in the face of the Australian public. AustraliaRead MoreThe Xenophobia Of Costa Rica1890 Words   |  8 PagesThe Xenophobia of Nicaraguans in Costa Rica Introduction Migrant labor is omnipresent in global supply chains that seek labor at a reduced cost. It is of no surprise that migrant labor is being used in coffee cooperatives and plantations in Costa Rica. When visiting Costa Rica we were able to visit numerous coffee plantations. Most of these plantations used migrant labor from Nicaragua, Panama, the regional indigenous population of the Guaymi, and even local Costa Ricans. The focus of this reportRead MoreMaids to Order in Hong Kong: Stories of Migrant Workers by Nicole Constable739 Words   |  3 PagesMaids to Order in Hong Kong: Stories of Migrant Workers by Nicole Constable Nicole Constable, in Maid to Order in Hong Kong: Stories of Migrant Workers describes the physical and psychological lives of those domestic workers in the homes of Chinese in Hong Kong, their attitude towards their own lives and work, and the attitudes of the workers and the Chinese toward one another. Constable’s primary purpose, from a scholarly perspective, is to document the particulars of the lives of theseRead MoreThe Unsuspected Success Of Donald Trump s Campaign For President Essay1632 Words   |  7 Pagessuccess of Donald Trump’s campaign for president has proved to be the spark of a new nativist moment in the United States. 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Perhaps the biggest issue that hinders our understanding of migrant work is racialRead MoreDiscrimination in Sports769 Words   |  4 Pagesrace, ethnicity, religion, sex or age which results in denial of opportunities, selection or promotion. Racism, ethnic discrimination and exclusion of migrants and minorities are the most common types of discrimination in sports, along with gender and age discrimination. Women of an ethnic origin, or those coming from ethnic minorities or migrant communities, are particularly under represented in sports and especially in managerial or executive positions in sports organizations. In professionalRead MoreThe Influx Of International Migrants1687 Words   |  7 PagesJulien Summer 2015 Mr. Premisler AP U.S History Peopling The influx of international migrants resulted in an ethnically diverse society, giving rise to the concept of a melting pot. Though the first wave of immigration resulted in heightened ethnic tensions, the second wave of a more distinctive groups resulted in even more ethnic prejudice and xenophobia. The increase of immigrants also resulted in the worsening of life for African Americans. Ultimately, the large populationsRead MoreBilingual Education For The United States843 Words   |  4 Pagesboth linguistic groups. Bilingualism has to do with an individual being fluent in two or more languages at work or educational facilities. Brain drain involves the migration of skilled workers, professionals, and technicians to the United States, which then causes a drain of the crucial workers in their home countries. During the mid-twentieth century, a majority of immigrants came mainly from German and Great Britain. The brain drain is viewed by conflict theorists as a result of unequalRead MoreThe Controversy Of American Muslims And European Muslims980 Words   |  4 Pagessome serious problems, with Muslim immigration into Europe being one such (Glazer, 2010). The low-skilled poor migrants face hostility in many European nations, as anti-immigration policies and laws are being implemented, with xenophobia running rampant (Glazer, 2010). Some experts argue that the influx of immigrants is necessary to combat the inevitable social security and aging workers crisis, yet others argue technology will solve the problem (Glazer, 2010). With tensions high, questions come to

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

What Really Happen at the Alamo free essay sample

Santa Anna, Commander of Mexican Army, did not want this to happen, and therefore he did not want to sign the treaty on allowing Texas to have liberty. The Texans were not happy and knew that they had to fight for their independence against Mexico. This battle had five main people. First, Colonel William Travis who was Texas Commander. Second, Jim Bowie was in command of a volunteer force in San Antonio when William Travis arrived with regular army troops. Third, Davy Crockett who was a legendary frontiersmen and was surrounded with 188 people in the fort and fought against the Mexican army. Fourth, Sam Houston who was the Commander of the Texas Army. Finally, general Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna who was the general of the Mexican army and leader of the Thirteen day siege at the Alamo. In the early days of the Texas Revolution, a provisional government had been established to organize resistance against Mexicans, and Sam Houston was named the commander of the Texan Army. Houston believed that San Antonio would be too isolated to defend successfully, therefore he sent Jim Bowie to withdraw the garrison stationed there. However, Bowie became in love of an abandoned mission in the town that has served for decades as a barracks of Mexican troops: known as the â€Å"Alamo†. Bowie began to support the garrison mission, and sent a word to Houston that he would stay and defend the Alamo. Houston then got worried and sent a young firebrand named William Travis to order the garrison’s mission withdrawal, but sadly Travis too felt in the dream of Bowie. Then on February 23, 1836 Santa Anna arrived at the Alamo where more than 150 men including Davy Crockett. Santa Anna quickly order his force, numbering 4,000 to 6,000 men, to surround the Alamo. He then began a round-the-clock bombardment to which the defenders were barely able to respond. They had cannon, but not enough gunpowder. Santa Anna sent a courier to demand that the Alamo surrender. Travis replied with a cannonball. The people in the Alamo were not secured, and Bowie became ill by a disease described as hasty consumption or typhoid pneumonia. Therefore Travis became in command. On February 24, Travis then sent three riders out to go get help. In a result, thirty-two men rode (from Gonzalez) to attack Santa Anna but it was impossible for a small militia to defend a whole army. While the fort walls were beginning to brake, they were not strong enough since it was originally built to keep out the Comanche. They were members of a Shoshonean tribe, the only tribe of the group living entirely on the Plains, and formerly ranging from Wyoming to Texas. On the night of March 5, the attack of the Alamo stopped. In the darkness, the Mexicans troops quietly positioned themselves for a dawn attack. The people at the Alamo were worried because they knew that Santa Anna was about to attack, the walls of the fort were crumbling down. On Sunday the 6th, around 5:00 a. m. Santa Anna began to open the assault but was unsuccessful. Never the less, the second time he breached the walls. Once inside, as about 1,800 assault troops advanced into range, and they began to kill. Travis was the first one to be killed in the battle, while Bowie fought from the his sickbed for a short time. The people in the church building held out the longest, but unfortunately did not have the power to survive. Other people on the fort decided to flee to the southeast but were killed by Mexican cavalry waiting for such a move. By 8:00 a. m. , it was all over; all the 188 Texans defenders, including Bowie and Crockett were killed. The victorious Mexicans spared some twenty women, children, and African-American Slaves. Santa Anna became known for ruthless suppression of rebelling. In addition, although the Alamo siege slowed the Mexican campaign less than two weeks, it provided the sparks that motivated many to join Houston’s motley force. Sam Houston was the Commander of the Texas Army. Therefore, on April 21, there was another battle named â€Å"The Battle of San Jacinto. † On April 20, Houston’s army caught up with Mexican Army on the San Jacinto near Galveston Bay. While the Mexican army was having a siesta, Houston was ready to attack. Houstons army attacked them with anger saying Remember the Alamo! and Remember Goliad! At the end 630 Mexican soldiers were executed and others were kept as prisoners. Santa Anna was also forced to sign the treaty on allowing independence to Texas. At the end the election was held and Sam Houston won and became president of the Republic of Texas. Finally, at the end Texas became part of the United States. The battle of the Alamo became known as a rallying cry because so many people got executed. Santa Anna did not want to declare Texas independence. Therefore Texas had to fight for their freedom. During the battle, we lost famous people like Colonel William Travis, Jim Bowie, and Davy Crockett. In my opinion Santa Anna did good in the battle of the Alamo because he wanted to showed people that if you want independence you will have to fight for it. The thirteen days siege at the Alamo was his brightest plan. He showed what a great leader he was by executing 188 people and calling them traitors. But sadly he lost the battle of San Jacinto and was put in prison then later executed after signing the treaty allowing Texas to have its independence. Now the Alamo is visited by 2. 5 million people a year.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

My Last Farewell by Jose Rizal free essay sample

My Last Farewell Farewell, my adored Land, region of the sun caressd, Pearl of the Orient Sea, our Eden lost, With gladness I give thee my Life, sad and repressd; And were it more brilliant, more fresh and at its best, I would still give it to thee for thine welfare at most. On the fields of battle, in the fury of fight, Others give thee their lives without pain or hesitancy, The place matters not: cypress, laurel, or lily; Scaffold, open field, conflict or martyrdoms site, It is the same if asked by home and Country. I die as I see tints on the sky bgin to showAnd at last announce the day, after a gloomy night; If you need a hue to dye your matutinal glow, Pour my blood and at the right moment spread it so, And gild it with a reflection of your nascent light! My dreams, when scarcely a lad adolescent, My dreams when already a youth, full of vigour to attain, Were to see thee, Gem of the sea of the Orient, Thy dark eyes dry, smooth brow held to a high plane Without frown, without wri nkles and of shame without stain. We will write a custom essay sample on My Last Farewell by Jose Rizal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My lifes fancy, my ardent, passionate desire, Hail! Cries out the soul to thee, that will soon part from thee; Hail!How sweet tis to fall that fullness thou may acquire; To die to give thee life, neath thy skies to expire, And in thy mystic land to sleep through eternity! If over my tomb some day, thou wouldst see blow, A simple humble flowr amidst thick grasses, Bring it up to thy lips and kiss my soul so, And under the cold tomb, I may feel on my brow, Warmth of thy breath, a whiff of thy tenderness. Let the moon with soft, gentle light me descry, Let the dawn send forth its fleeting, brilliant light, In murmurs grave allow the wind to sigh, And should a bird descend on my cross and alight,Let the bird intone a song of peace oer my site. Let the burning sun the raindrops vaporise And with my clamour behind return pure to the sky; Let a friend shed tears over my early demise; And on quiet afternoons when one prays for me on high, Pray too, oh, my Motherland, that in God may rest I. Pray, thee, for all the hapless who have died, For all those who unequalled torments have undergone; For our poor mothers who in bitterness have cried; For orphans, widows and captives to tortures were shied, And pray too that thou may seest thine own redemption. And when the dark night wraps the cemetryAnd only the dead to vigil there are left alone, Disturb not their repose, disturb not the mystery: If thou hear the sounds of cithern or psaltery, It is I, dear Country, who, a song tthee intone. And when my grave by all is no more remembered, With neither cross nor stone to mark its place, Let it be ploughed by man, with spade let it be scattered And my ashes ere to nothingness are restored, Let them turn to dust to cover thy earthly space. Then it matters not that thou should forget me: Thy atmosphere, thy skies, thy vales Ill sweep; Vibrant and clear note to thy ears I shall be:Aroma, light, hues, murmur, song, moanings deep, Constantly repeating the essence of the faith I keep. My idolised Country, for whom I most gravely pine, Dear Philippines, to my last goodbye; oh, harken There I leave all: my parents, loves of mine, Ill go where there are no slaves, tyrants or hangmen Where faith does not kill and where God alone doth reign. Farewell, parents, brothers, beloved by me, Friends of my childhood, in the home distressed; Give thanks that now I rest from the wearisome day; Farewell, sweet stranger, my friend, who brightened my way; Farewell to all I love; to die is to rest.