Monday, February 24, 2020

Controversial Family Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Controversial Family Issues - Essay Example However, polygamy is a common practice among the Mormons or the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints. Dena McLain, who is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and a strong supporter of polygamy, argues that polygamy is influenced by factors such as falling in and out of love, which cannot be prevented. He further argues that polygamy is crucial since it can enable one attain health insurance (Strong , DeVault, & Cohen, 2010). Another reason given in support of polygamy particularly in the United States is that the ratio of women to men is not equal since women are more as compared to men. Supporters of polygamy thus argues that the practice is inevitable if all women are to get marriage partners since the only other possible option to provide partners to such women is divorce (Adams , 2008). As opposed to the view that polygamy is a noble practice, polygamy is actually a bad practice, which should never be legalized for a number of reasons. One of the reasons is the conflict associated with polygamy. Having multiple partners at a go will result in more disagreements between them as compared to monogamy where one marries or gets married to one person. This is particularly common in cases where one man marries several women, which results in emergence of jealousy amongst them. Another reason why polygamy is a total disgrace is the fact that it is used as a tool to justify unfaithfulness in marriage, which is considered to be an immoral practice (Adams , 2008). Practicing polygyny where one woman marries several men or polyandry where one man marries many women reduces the chances of some people getting marriage partner. This is a great deprivation and the persons affected may end up living a miserable life (Adams , 2008). Additionally, supporters of polygamy argue that it can help reduce malpractices such as child abuse and rape. This is because it would enable partners who cannot be sexually satisfied by one

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Masco Corporations Strategic Planning Case Study

Masco Corporations Strategic Planning - Case Study Example The company has successfully developed its product lines for faucets by establishing faucet manufacturing units with advanced business model. In 1986, Masco Corporation developed its vision statement, which reflected its desire to become "Procter & Gamble of consumer durables" (Harvard Business School, 1998). The very vision statement has propelled the company to diversify its business into other consumer durable goods. Alongside, the company has also extended its tentacles to enter the market of oil-field equipments, drilling tools and transport related products like gear shift levers, engine exhaust system etc. The company has even restructured its organizational structure and implemented other methods to reduce its overall cost of production. However, the primary obligation of the company is to enhance its research & development, and manufacturing ability so that the above stated concerns are addressed to. For acquiring technological breakthrough, the company has entered into contracts with research firms like MTI. For optimising the productivity of each manufacturing division, the company has developed formal organiza tional chart aimed at facilitating communication and exchange. In order to reduce the cost associated with its R&D various cost reduction programs were undertaken. This coupled with innovative working procedures and methodologies have helped the company to produce high quality innovative products at a lower cost. Masco's resources The resources of Masco Corporation can be categorized into two types i.e. tangible and intangible. Since its inception, the company has been constructing its manufacturing units in numerous locations that produce a wide range of consumer durable products. This attest the fact that the company is well equipped with necessary plants, machineries, inventories etc. Its intangible resources include its expertise in metalworking. The company has a sound experience in technology, driven by proficient technicians that constantly strive to design and create new products. With its existing resources, Masco can easily enter the $14 billion household furniture industry. The company has already curved out a niche in the mind of its customers by virtue of its quality products. Hence it is expected that the products manufactured by the company will find a ready acceptance. Another vital resource of the company is its high profitability. The company can use its retain-earnings for investments purposes in the furniture industry. Masco's Strategy for entering the furniture industry Before entering the furniture industry, Masco Corporation must implement only those strategies that match with the organizational structure and compatibility. It is of paramount importance for the company to analyze the internal and external factors. The internal factors include the strength and weaknesses of the country whereas the external factors include Porter's five forces of competition and macro-environmental factors like economy, demography, legal etc. Only when the company has successfully scanned these factors, it will develop its strategy focusing on particular areas.